Journal of the
Printing Historical Society

Edited by James Mosley, the first number of our Journal was published in November 1965. Representative of the technologies of its day, the single-colour text was letterpress printed. Lithographic sections carried photographic and line illustrations for ‘The tinted lithograph’ by Michael Twyman and ‘Académisme et typographie’ by André Jammes respectively.

Now in full colour, and offset printed throughout, the Journal upholds the same high standards of content and production today and attracts contributions from professional academics and independent scholars around the world.

Latest number

Third Series 5 (2024)

Journal, Third Series 5 (2024), contains an obituary of John Hinks by Maureen Bell and the following articles, all by Michael Twyman and marking his ninetieth birthday: ‘The Engelmann albums at Princeton: a treasure trove of early chromolithography’; ‘Chromolithography and the parovissiens of the House of Mame’; ‘French song-sheets: making the most of existing lithographed images’; ‘New light on the lithographer Cyprien Gaulon as a calligrapher’; ‘Facsimile or not? Was Jan Tschichold conflicted?’; ‘New broom at letterpress printers in Orléans in the mind-1820s’; ‘British printers’ invoices 1810 to 1920’; and a bibliography of the publications of Michael Twyman.

How to obtain the current number of the Journal

The current number of the Journal is issued to members when it is published (before the end of the year). It can also be purchased by others at a price of £40 per copy. Members receive a 50% discount if ordered in this way. Postage and packing will also be charged. To order a copy of the current number please send an email to

Why not join?

Membership of the Society supports its aims and is open to individuals and institutions, and we encourage all who have an interest in printing history to consider a subscription. New members receive a copy of the current number of the Journal.

Further details about membership

Previous numbers

Content summaries for the New Series and the Third Series, covering the years from 2000 to the present, are on the Journal Indices page.

An index to the First Series, compiled by Paul Nash, is available here.

How to order

Copies of many previous numbers of the Journal are available. The price for a First or New Series number is £20 per copy. Third Series numbers cost £40 per copy. Members receive a 50% discount on these prices. Postage and packing will also be charged. Please send an email, with details of the numbers you would like to buy, to

Notes for contributors

The Journal of the Printing Historical Society welcomes submissions of scholarly articles on all aspects of the subject, including (but not limited to) the following: the history of the processes and mechanics of printing of all kinds and all periods; the personnel, skills and institutions of the printing industry; the design and manufacture of, and trade in, printers’ type and machinery; illustration and printmaking processes; typographical design; the products of the press (books, periodicals, ephemera and prints); the substrates of print (paper, parchment etc.); bookbinding and the book-trade; the impact of printing on society and on related crafts and professions, including engineering, calligraphy, manuscript-production, publishing and graphic art (and vice versa); and archives and documents in printing history. Reviews and review articles on recent monographs in these subjects are also welcome.

Articles usually range between 2,000 and 8,000 words, but longer papers and shorter notes are also welcome. Illustration is encouraged, and the Journal includes full colour images when appropriate. The Journal is peer-reviewed, each paper being rendered anonymous and read by at least two scholars in the field before acceptance for publication.

The Journal is now in its Third Series, which is published annually, in the winter of each calendar year. The deadline for submission for each volume is 1 June.

A style-guide and further information for contributors may be had from the Editor:

Paul W. Nash
19 Fosseway Drive
GL56 0DU

For reviews please contact the Reviews Editor:

James M’Kenzie-Hall
8 Herstmonceux Place
Church Road
East Sussex BN27 1RL